Bicycles For Humanity

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Electric Assist

Okay, so we often hear that walkways and cycle paths contribute to “healthier” communities. What does that really mean? I imagine a lot of people just take that statement and face value and don’t break it down to healthier individuals. Some recent literature out of the United States claims the cost of bike lanes and cycle infrastructure is more than offset by savings in health care costs. Big claim.
Here is what happened the other day. An elderly gentleman came by the shop on an electric assist trike. I got chatting to him- and put some air in his tires- seems that a while back he was having a very hard time getting around and it looked like he was heading for knee surgery. A friend of his had just got a new E-trike and suggested he try the old one. Well, he hasn’t looked back. He says his mobility is greatly improved, he has lost weight, bikes to appointments, and generally loves exploring the Saanich Peninsula. His biggest complaint about the Lochside Trail? It needs to be widened in some spots- so many bikes! Here is a pic of his bike; he didn’t seem to want to be in the photo. Can’t blame him.

This has given me chance to reflect on electric assist bikes. I don’t know if I previously pooh-poohed them or not. I am not sure I had an opinion- but after reading Bike Snob now realize I should have an opinion. I think they are great- especially for cargo bikes and older riders. We are seeing a mini boom of retired folks on e-bikes around the peninsula. Think about it- these folks likely wouldn’t ride at all faced with some of the hills in our region. Now they are zipping around- mentally and physically happier for it.

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