At last a great sunny day. Got out on 2 wheels twice. Once with the Ute taking the kids to the park in the Chariot, and then again this evening with the Mundo. The 2 bikes ride very differently- and I think each are very good bikes in their own way. The Ute is aptly named, a longtail "utility". The Mundo is a cargo bike.
You can see by the pic that I have gussied up the V3 with Sweetskins, Aluminum Checkplate, Stoker Bars, Electra Fenders and a Rolling Jackass Stand. I am just waiting for a Gamoh front rack that has been backordered. Every cargo bike needs a front rack of some sort!
The Electra fenders went on quite easily- although i did have to collapse them a tad so they wouldn't interfere with the Vee brakes. Perhaps discs will be in my future after all. The RJA stand is over-the-top. Very well done Val. Glad to support someone who still manufactures stuff themselves. The stoker bar is a snap thanks to Keller74. The only thing you will need is a shim for the bars. I had to make one- but using K74's setup it only requires a small bit of 1/16" aluminum as you are shimming 1" bars into a space that is made for a 1-1/8" steerer tube. Easy. I just realized, however, that the stoker bars will complicate my life if I try and surf my Mundo. Probably just as well. Stayed tuned for more thoughts on the Mundo. John.
I like the tyre choice, pretty snazzy. My rear V-brake interferes with my mudguard (fender) a bit still, but I have fixed this by swapping my front brake for a disk and using it almost exclusively. The aluminium checkplate seems like a great idea too, they'll outlast wooden ones.